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The Critically Important Message of With Lee In Virginia

I’m often asked why I’m so passionate about creating audio adventures, especially in the midst of a culture that seems so obsessed with so much screen-time entertainment. Truly, there isn’t one easy answer; but rather a number of important reasons why I continue to create family-friendly audio dramas. I guess if I had to sum it up into one ultimate vision, it would be this:

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve thought a great deal about my own life and what I want to leave behind. As I’ve watched my children grow and become parents themselves, I realized that God requires that I leave this world a better place than I found it … for my children and grandchildren, and for your children and grandchildren, and for future generations as well.

As I write this, Heirloom Audio is about to premiere our third exciting Audio Adventure. We’ve put together another fantastic installment in the Extraordinary Adventures of G.A. Henty series – featuring one of Henty’s most famous works, With Lee In Virginia. We are very excited and can’t wait to share it with you and your family. And, the timing for this audio adventure couldn’t be more perfect …

Our culture desperately needs to hear the critically important message of … With Lee In Virginia!

Our society has become dramatically self-obsessed. Collectively, we have lost all sense of duty. (What does the word duty even mean to people anymore?) Once upon a time in this country our leaders (and our country’s citizens) knew and understood what the word duty meant. Not just “duty” as you might imagine it in the most basic sense of the word – but instead, what duty really means as it pertains to God and to our fellow man.

Pay attention to the news. Look at the headlines. It’s no wonder we’re drifting as a country. We’ve lost sight of duty and obligation to our fellow man. That’s why producing With Lee In Virginia meant so much to me… it’s time to impart that vision once again… to help our children, our families, and our country get back on the right track. It is my hope that this audio drama will help bring the concept of duty back to American thought and life once again.

New Audio Adventure Tells The Civil War Story Of Courage, Honor, and Duty

And, contrary to popular culture, duty isn’t a bad word. The truth is, every single one of us has a duty. Duty is like a “glue” that holds our family life together. Dads, Moms, and children all fill very different, but critical roles in a household. Having the right sense of duty and obligation for the greater good of the family is vital to the health of our families and homes. So in a very real sense, duty is the very heart and soul of our existence. This is true in our Christian walk as well.

But we’ve compartmentalized the Christian faith to the point where we’ve forgotten the role “duty” plays every day in the lives of believers. We go to church on Sunday, maybe again on Wednesday, but then forget what God requires of us during the rest of the week. But there’s hope. And part of the hope that God gives us is grace. So let’s look at our duty with respect to grace.

Learning to lose…with grace?

If there’s one thing our current society values, it’s winning at all costs. We’re obsessed with winning. Nobody wants to be a loser. So much that we now hand out participation trophies so that no child (or adult!) has to “suffer” or feel the sting and humiliation of defeat.

With Lee In Virginia turns that very idea on its head. I don’t want to give away too much here, but the new drama (as you can probably guess by the title) really digs into the life and times of General Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, and other men during the Civil War. Men like Lee and Jackson understood what it meant to lose and even die gracefully.

How do you lose? (Like it or not, it’s a part of life.) What is a gracious, Christian way to face defeat? Well, Lee provided a great model for this, and it all goes back to having the right sense of duty and understanding your obligation to God and your fellow man.

The truth is, a strong sense of duty will help anyone weather the ups and downs of life. And a sense of duty is one of the greatest values you can give to your kids. That’s why they really need to hear this story. Lee and Jackson are two of the greatest heroes in this nation’s history and you can feel good knowing your kids will know who they were and what they really stood for.

New Audio Adventure Tells The Civil War Story Of Courage, Honor, and Duty

Sesquicentennial Anniversary of the Civil War

At Heirloom Audio, our passion is to build character, integrity and “duty” in the next generation by bringing Christian history to life. With Lee In Virginia is our way of paying tribute to the 150th anniversary of the end of the Civil War and making this deeply historical period in our nation come alive so that it is better understood by all. There’s so much more to the history of the Civil War than just North versus South, and the terrible tragedy of human bondage.

With Lee In Virginia is an excellent tool and resource for parents and teachers. It’s a new way for the whole family to learn history from a Christian perspective, and equip our kids to engage and fight the battles God has set before them. The values in this story are truly timeless.

I hope you enjoy… With Lee In Virginia.

About Bill Heid